Saturday, 24 December 2016

Modelling Scams about, people! Be aware!!!

What's the difference between a modelling agency and a model management?

My friend has been trying to get her daughter on modelling agencies books, but found out there are lots of scams in this field - just after your money...  What I found out; lots of model managements, etc are fooling people by passing themselves off as modelling agencies when actually they're not - where they don't actually find work for models.

My friend was scammed (over-charged) by a modelling management for taking her 14-year old daughter’s photographs.  But I went to her aid and got most of the money back and out of the contract, after sharing bad reviews about them and that they have been in trouble with the law before over similar scams.

And another one tried a similar scam to get money out of her by inviting her and daughter to their studio for photo test shoot to see how she will perform in front of a camera and the possibility of putting her daughter on their books and was told; there wouldn’t be any charges whatsoever for their service.  But after she’d forked out for herself and daughter’s train fares to the studio in London the test-shoot didn’t happen. The photographer looked at her daughter’s portfolio (photos were professionally taken by the over-charged management above) then said; the photos weren’t good enough…, therefore wanted her to pay him to have his own photos taken of her daughter.  But I’d advised her that they may try just that to try and get money from her; and if they do, don’t succumb to it.  She didn’t succumb…so that’s why they didn’t do test-shoot of her daughter; so sent them away feeling disappointed and shocked; plus, losing money for train fares and a wasted journey.

Sunday, 18 December 2016

MP/s & Councillor/s. Can't they really help, or it's just that they're not interested?

I contacted the Liberal and Labour Councillor and they all are the same... I wonder exactly what they do and can do! Because, from the feedback I've been getting from all of them, neither of them can't do anything to help me. I've even written to the Lords, but I was told there too, to escalate my complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman - that they are the only people/organisation that have powers over the council. But I got another bigger shock when I found out the LGO took the council's side even though the council is wrong. The LGO didn't even do their own independent investigation, they just looked at the council's report and agreed with everything the council stated, even where the council is wrong. None of what I stated was taken any notice of, nor acknowledge - it was just as though I didn't send anything to them. The LGO investigator didn't even contact me for further evidence to support my complaint against the council. In fact, she didn't even inform me when she'd completed the investigation until nearly 2 months later when I contacted them to find out why I wasn't contacted for more evidence to support my case. All this I sent to my MP, but he didn't even bat an eyelid to any of it. What I've seen from the LGO decision is; the council is right even though they are wrong, and I'm wrong, even though I'm right. I'm told that the situation I'm in, is not just the council at fault; it's mainly the government because it's the government's HMO scheme (a substitute for lack of building council homes) and the (Labour) council is just carrying out the (Tory) government's orders. Therefore, I can see why this Tory MP is not interested in helping me out.

Friday, 16 December 2016

What is an MP's responsibility in regards to a constituent in the community?

We have a Tory MP for my area and he's been completely useless in helping me with an HMO situation that his government and the local council forced upon me. People keep saying if you have a problem you should contact your MP, but they, (well mine) don't seem to do or want to do anything at all. I'm beginning to wonder if they only take any action when there are a vast amount of people complaining about a situation at one time - say signing a petition or loads of letters. I wonder what we have them for! If ever I end up in another situation and I'm told to contact my MP, I will just say; WHO?

Saturday, 10 December 2016

I'M STILL FUMING!!! Regarding the decision from the LGO...sticking up and siding with the council.

Parts of my email/letter to my MP.

The LGO claimed to be an independent organisation, not biased and don't take sides, but from the clearly shows the opposite!

The investigator has given me a chance to comment on her decision, but I'm not building any hope whatsoever that she will change her mind because of her previous actions...and if she still continues on the path of councils acts & regulations, that "noise not statutory" (which I think, should have been taken out of the equation in the first place because of the nature of noise).  But, nevertheless, these noises are very loud and have affected my health, plus I'm unable to sell my property because of it.  My understanding of "noise not statutory" is; noise can affect one's health or even kills you, but that's alright because it's not statutory???  But to me, these noises are statutory too because I have to endure them 7 days a week - from 5 heavy fire and 1 extra main entry doors,  administered by 4 young men from a poorly constructed (ex-council) property.

I can now see clearly why so many people in similar situations give up on their fight with the government/council because it's impossible for an ordinary layman to win because of rules and regulations that the council and the LGO can use to their own benefit in order not to fix problems.  The system is stacked against the ordinary layman, and he can't beat the system, so he has to give up and suffer.  And, as I understand it, this HMO situation is not just the council's fault; it is the government's and the council is just carrying out government's orders.  And this is why I had mentioned in the past; because you are a government minister and your government is responsible for the HMO's scheme you should have had more powers to stop what is happening to me as a citizen and my human rights!  Instead of saying; escalate your complaint to councils stages 1, 2 & 3, then, contact the LGO they will sort it.  That's not how it should have been; as my MP and the fact your government is responsible for the HMO scheme, therefore, you have a duty to sort it!

Friday, 9 December 2016

The LOCAL GOVERNMENT OMBUDSMAN decision went against me in favour of the council.
I'm so shocked, disappointed, angrier and feeling sick that I haven't eaten anything for 2 days.
I built hope on the LGO making a decision in my favour against the Council & HMO landlord in regards the biased way the council handled my complaint, but it was never to be. The LGO didn't get back to me for more evidence to support my complaint against the council, they just carried on with the investigation which completed in October, but they didn't inform me of it until I sent them an email 6 Dec. inquiring why I haven't heard from them and why case was taking so long. Then they sent me emails informing me their decision went in favour of the council and that they sent me emails 26 October informing me of this. But I didn't receive anything - I checked junk mail folder too and nothing there.
The LGO based the investigation on council's acts & regulations that noise not statutory.  So what this means; even though noises are very loud and affect your health or the effect from it even kills you, in the end, the council is wrong because it's the council's own act & regulation that noise is not statutory!  But what is their interpretation of statutory?  I believe an act they can use to their own advantage so not to fix problems!  And, it doesn't matter about one's human rights, the fact that the council allow the HMO to install heavy fire doors in a property that is not suitable for them, so they are morally wrong, but that didn't matter whatsoever to the LGO! The LGO says that they are not a bias organisation and don't take sides, but from their letter they clearly sided and supports the council.
It seems that the HMO tenants knew about the decision long before me back in November at the time when I heard loud hammering work going on from next door on for 6 hrs (on a Sunday). Then just as the hammering stopped, I heard the loudest bang ever from the fire door (1 mt nearest the party wall). Then a few days later I posted on here that noise got louder than before. I guess they were sending me a message (before the LGO), as if to say; "Fuck You" we/the council won, again!
You see what's happening here the council is protecting these people and it seems the LGO is protecting the council? The whole investigation was a conspiracy!
The system is stacked against us mere mortals, and we can't win them unless we have stacks of money to pay Lawyers to represent us to take the establishment to court.
The LGO Investigator gave me a chance to comment to see if she will change her mind. But the only way I can see her changing is if she based this case on; who is right or wrong, morality, humanity, my human rights, caring and justice. But if she sticks to the councils (unjust) rules and regulations that protect the perpetrators, I can't see her changing her mind.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

This action by the council’s environmental officer wasn't any mistake! It was favour of their HMO landlord. (And you will see most all my posts highlighting this if you join my facebook group and or campaign/s).

I've decided to post some more of my account, highlighting the council's uncaring treatment towards me and the biased way their officer handled the noise investigation, as follows...

The Environmental Health officer and the dept. disregarded my 6-weeks diary recording of noise, and 2 x 7 days of audio recordings. They claimed the 1st 7-days of audio recording wasn't loud enough, and the 2nd recording (placed closer to the party wall) couldn't be heard - that recorder must have run out of tape or broken down. So, I requested the noise should be witnessed personally...but officer played it down also saying; noise not statutory and not very loud to her expertise (even though I'm told by another officer colleague they have never recorded fire doors noise in history). But, she asked me; what doors are the most disturbing to you? I responded; all of them as you have heard. She responded; she can't have all adjusted. Then I kicked up a fuss... then she said; she'll ask the landlord to have all adjusted.  2 weeks later officer should have revisited landlord to see if he had doors adjusted (and I thought my house too to check if noise were quieter). But I received a letter from the council, saying; officer only asked the landlord to adjust some of the doors and they were adjusted and the noise was “significantly quieter.”  The officer made the assumption that noise was “significantly quieter” (without any recording) just by, only revisiting next door and not revisiting my house to check.  But, it seemed landlord didn't adjust any of the doors because the noise continued at the same level and volume.

Now folks, tell me; noises that are heavy and loud (like 'Sonic Booms') that vibrate the party wall, rattles the door in my study/small bedroom adjoining the party wall, and also can be heard in every room of my house (with earplugs in and all doors closed) is not loud? Noises that goes on 7 days a week from 4 young men, 5 heavy fire doors (1 fitted 1 meter from party wall) and 1 extra main entry door also fitted 1 meter from party wall in a building that is ex-council, prefabricated built, no cavity and no soundproofing are not statutory?

The Environmental dept. came to the conclusion (without any evidence of noise recording) based on officers so-called "own personal experience" - noise not loud. And, they don't see why the council or the landlord should spend any money to fix noise! Oh yeah; the EH officer boss informed me; having noise fix is not the council's responsibility; and that the landlord was only doing me a favour by adjusting doors to close quietly (to which he didn't in the end). And that's not all - it goes on...

Now draw your own conclusions.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Angry! Sad! Frustrated!

This group is a "BIG SHOUT OUT" to anyone that are unhappy property owners and tenants that are angry, frustrated and fed up with the system, nuisance noisy neighbours, and HMO landlords' tenants that are making our lives hell! Where the failure of our local council/ Environmental Health department to put things right is not happening for us the victims; but instead, supporting the offenders.
You can post on this group your experiences, comments,etc that you may have with your local authorities, nuisance neighbours or any other authorities that you feel are taking the piss!!!
If you want to know more of what's been going on, join the group > And, I have a campaign set up here >… if anyone wants to sign it and support me and others that are experiencing similar problems with HMO/neighbours and your local council. With 100 signatures (more the better) it will be presented to Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn and other decision makers.



THE GOVERNMENT & LOCAL AUTHORITIES MUST DO MORE TO PROTECT THE VICTIMS OF NOISY NEIGHBOURS!  Normally, it is the victims that have to move to get away from the noise while the offenders get to stay. Where is the justice in that?  And you know what; you yourself is not safe either (if not now but in the future) because they want to extend HMOs on a wider scale.
In the beginning, my complaint was about my neighbour - an HMO landlord's heavy hydraulic-spring fire doors (you will normally find in offices and industrial buildings) fitted in a, prefabricated, poorly constructed, not solid domestic house that is not suitable for those type of doors. But, my complaint has now developed into about the environmental health officer/local council that lied and covered up noise evidence to support their approved house in multiple occupations (HMO) landlord's noisy fire doors. And it all because they don't want to spend the money, nor have the landlord to spend his money to have noise fixed. So, because of my observations of the eh officer's & council's attitude...and letters...have shown me they would definitely rather my health suffer from the noise and/or leave me here to die because they don't care!!!
I'm not against the fitting of fire doors if it's for tenant’s protections from the fire.  But the government & local council should have landlords choose solid constructed, or, even better, detached properties for those HMOs/heavy fire doors.
Join group and also sign the petition here, that will be sent to the Government, Local Councils, etc..., if you feel you as the victim is not being protected from the noise of nuisance noisy neighbours by your Local Council/Environment Health dept.; who seemed to be covering up and protecting the offenders by not prosecuting them.  And you know what; fire doors noise and unsociable behaviour/noise from HMOs' tenants can happen to you, as is happening to me and others...(if not now but in the future), if the government and local authorities have their way. Because these HMOs are the substitute for the government & local authorities failure for not building accommodation for their people; therefore, the government & local authorities endorsed them.