Tuesday, 31 January 2017
NOT MY IMAGINATION FOLKS! My account of the Local Government Ombudsman as being biased, not independent, and do take sides (especially with local councils) has been confirmed. See here >
http://www.complaintexpert.co.uk/can-we-trust-ombudsman-wit… So, it's not me alone they have done a dirty on! It seems they have done the same to lots more individuals.
Saturday, 28 January 2017
This is quite a lot to read, but please have patience and read it, as it shows what I/we the ordinary vulnerable people have to deal with a system that is biased and even corrupted.
15 December 2016, you informed me: “I am on annual leave from this afternoon until 4 January so my response will be sent on my return.”
I waited...and no contact from you. Then I contacted you again, 2 January 2017, informing you: “I forgot was to attach pictures of houses... Mine and HMO neighbour's house is exactly like the black house. And the white house is what the council have renovated and brought up to environmental standard - (sound proofing and stud walling etc). So, the white house used to be like the black house before the renovation that would have made it soundproof and eco-friendly.”
“I copied the following extract from the council's website” http://www.stevenage.gov.uk/housing/private-sector-housing/24725/
03 January 2017, you responded: “Thank you for your email of 2 January, receipt of which I confirm. I will have regard to this email alongside your earlier comments. I will write to you again shortly.”
13 January 2017, I replied to you: “I'm just following up regarding the outcome of your final decision.”
16 January 2017, you responded: “Thank you for your two emails sent of 13 January. I will be writing to you this week addressing the comments you have raised in response to my decision on your complaint. I am sorry I have not done so sooner however I have had a number of matters to address on my return to work. I have set aside a day later this week to consider your comments fully.”
18 January 2017, I contacted you again:
“Thanks for that...”
“I've obtained the following information (from a person in a similar situation as me) for you to consider in support of my case/decision:”
HMO regulations state that the only outside factor an HMO Committee must consider is potential noise disturbance due to "design flaws" in the building. Also look at article 8 of the human rights act. Local authorities have to take positive steps to protect you from noise.
26 January 2017, I didn’t get a reply, so sent the following: “I suspect you have no intention to consider your draft decision.”
“This draft decision answer has been going on for much too long while I'm still suffering! It seems to me I'm not important as the councils and their HMO landlord and you are not bothered, and already made your mind up in your draft decision.” And I suspect you're ignoring it, still in support and sticking up for the council, in spite of all my comments and evidence; where the council haven't submitted to you any hard evidence to their denials.”
“You disregarded the importance of my complaint is appalling and you should be investigated!” If I don't get a positive reaction from you within the next week, I'll be starting legal proceeding against the council, and see if I can do the same against you/the LGO for the willful, biased way you've handled my complaint against the council and the disregard you had for me in the process of your "so-called" investigation.”
“Confirm receipt of this email.”
Friday, 20 January 2017
14 months now but still no solution...and HMO fire doors noise still going on. I have even been hospitalised with high blood pressure and a mild stroke because of anxiety, stress and the noise that the council put me under.
It seems no one can touch the council as they're a law unto themselves. My Councillor, the local MP, a member of the Lords, and other organisations couldn't help me or they just weren't interested... And even the Local Government Ombudsman (that supposed to me neutral and don't take sides) blatantly took the council's side and failed me too.
Everything that the council stated in their report ( whether right or wrong, the LGO supported it). Everything I put forward to support my case was ignored/dismissed and not even taken into consideration. It was as though I didn't exist! Vital evidence that I should have submitted to the LGO to support my case, I wasn't asked for, but instead, they carried on with their "biased supposedly investigation" of the council and did not let me know when it had finished. It was I that had to contact them to find out why the investigation was taking so long, only to be informed it had finished about a month earlier.
It seems no one can touch the council as they're a law unto themselves. My Councillor, the local MP, a member of the Lords, and other organisations couldn't help me or they just weren't interested... And even the Local Government Ombudsman (that supposed to me neutral and don't take sides) blatantly took the council's side and failed me too.
Everything that the council stated in their report ( whether right or wrong, the LGO supported it). Everything I put forward to support my case was ignored/dismissed and not even taken into consideration. It was as though I didn't exist! Vital evidence that I should have submitted to the LGO to support my case, I wasn't asked for, but instead, they carried on with their "biased supposedly investigation" of the council and did not let me know when it had finished. It was I that had to contact them to find out why the investigation was taking so long, only to be informed it had finished about a month earlier.
I have 2 campaigns set up here https://www.change.org/p/sick-to-the-stomach-government-local-authorities-not-doing-enough?recruiter=546827108&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink and here https://you.38degrees.org.uk/p/mycampaign . I also have a Facebook group set up https://www.facebook.com/groups/forchanges . Please join campaigns and sign both petitions or any of them. Also, join my Facebook group to show your support - because we the ordinary people have to fight back against these injustices...
This was my spot on the JVS Show (Three Counties Radio) regarding my HMO fire doors neighbour. https://soundcloud.com/thejvsshow/norbert-and-his-noisy-neighbours
The second caller was right about the council (but goes much further than what he'd said...). The council did noise investigation but covered up all the evidence of the noise in order not to do anything to stop the noise and not issuing a 'noise abatement' order on the HMO landlord because, the council benefits from HMOs. But, with the screwdriver thing...it was bad advice...because the council had the HMO landlord's back from the start and throughout the noise investigation.
The second caller was right about the council (but goes much further than what he'd said...). The council did noise investigation but covered up all the evidence of the noise in order not to do anything to stop the noise and not issuing a 'noise abatement' order on the HMO landlord because, the council benefits from HMOs. But, with the screwdriver thing...it was bad advice...because the council had the HMO landlord's back from the start and throughout the noise investigation.
Sunday, 15 January 2017
Anthony Woolley:
I've signed your petition. We are in a similar situation. Property below us has just been given a green light by the HMO Committee for an 11 persons HMO!! I have taken the council to court and have a lot of ammunition. HMO regulations state that the only outside factor an HMO Committee must consider is potential noise disturbance due to "design flaws" in the building. Also look at article 8 of the human rights act. Local authorities have to take positive steps to protect you from noise. I am doing a self-representation in court, I will keep you informed if I'm successful you will be welcome to use my case as a test case and I'll help you take on Glasgow City Council. I'm in Edinburgh.
Wednesday, 4 January 2017
Yes, it's been a very stressful, anxious, painful and frustrating year for me. It started November 2015 and I'm still going through it and there's no end in sight. I have never experienced anything like it throughout those 70 years. I've been through 2 failed marriages and they haven't affected me half as much as this present experience. And this is caused by the very same people/organisation that supposes to be protecting and looking after our wellbeing - well at least I thought so. It wasn't the sort of treatment I was expecting, so I put all my trust and hope in them, but they've knocked me for 6... It has affected me so much that I now have to seek councilling.
I have always been a caring, helpful, thoughtful, considerate, happy person, and have always put others first... But, I will never be that same person I was because this experience has left me numb and has thought me a vital lesson... It has made me an angry and hard person, and I'll never put anyone before myself again!
Yes, it's been a very stressful, anxious, painful and frustrating year for me. It started November 2015 and I'm still going through it and there's no end in sight. I have never experienced anything like it throughout those 70 years. I've been through 2 failed marriages and they haven't affected me half as much as this present experience. And this is caused by the very same people/organisation that supposes to be protecting and looking after our wellbeing - well at least I thought so. It wasn't the sort of treatment I was expecting, so I put all my trust and hope in them, but they've knocked me for 6... It has affected me so much that I now have to seek councilling.
I have always been a caring, helpful, thoughtful, considerate, happy person, and have always put others first... But, I will never be that same person I was because this experience has left me numb and has thought me a vital lesson... It has made me an angry and hard person, and I'll never put anyone before myself again!
Sunday, 1 January 2017
Join us at https://you.38degrees.org.uk/p/mycampaign
Thanks to all 29 of you (so far) that have signed the petition - most appreciated. Share the campaign anywhere and to anyone you can. We need 100 signatures (more the better). And remember; what has happened to me can happen to you too if the government/councils don't start building accommodations for its people. This has already happened to my friend (who works for the establishment) so even the establishment workers are not safe. This friend told me at the beginning of my fight; if a council officer is found to be dishonest...they will get the sack/fired. I disagreed with her; and now she sees what they have done to me and what I'm still going through, she's shocked...
Thanks to all 29 of you (so far) that have signed the petition - most appreciated. Share the campaign anywhere and to anyone you can. We need 100 signatures (more the better). And remember; what has happened to me can happen to you too if the government/councils don't start building accommodations for its people. This has already happened to my friend (who works for the establishment) so even the establishment workers are not safe. This friend told me at the beginning of my fight; if a council officer is found to be dishonest...they will get the sack/fired. I disagreed with her; and now she sees what they have done to me and what I'm still going through, she's shocked...
My new year's resolution
is to continue my fight... Even if it means taking the council to court. So,
damn their own biased regulations, which they used to justify their own deliberate
cover up of their HMO fire doors noise.
My HMO neighbour tenants were up all night 'til the early hours of this morning creating noise with those fire doors (like they do most weekends). It was 4 pm when I put my earplugs in and shut my bedroom door on the opposite side of the party wall, and they were still up making noises. And now at 12.30 pm and they'll be asleep 'til around 2 pm. Because I can hear even the slightest bangs from fire doors and their talking so loud and clearly, (because of these poorly constructed prefabricated ex- council houses) I'm thinking...well, if I can hear them that loud and clearly, then probably they can hear me too; (but, I haven't got those bloody fire doors...!!!). So consciously I'll close my ordinary doors quietly and creep around my house so not to disturb them. Some people told me I should do the same to them as they are doing to me. But I'm not that kind of person, and I know what it feels like having to put up with their noise. Also, they are so inconsiderate, they will take revenge and deliberately make noises even worse just to get back at me. This is about 4 young men, roughly between the ages of 18 and 24 I'm talking about that don't give a shit, because they know they have the council on their side) let loose in a house my themselves with (5) heavy hydraulic spring fire doors and (1) extra main entrance door in a poorly constructed prefabricated ex- council house! But, on the other hand, they are not really the ones to blame for these noises - it rests squarely in the hands of the council!
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