We're glad you wrote. Unfortunately, the email you responded to is unmonitored. You can get help and find answers to your questions on the Twitter Help Center.
We're glad you wrote. Unfortunately, the email you responded to is unmonitored. You can get help and find answers to your questions on the Twitter Help Center.
Thanks for that…
I've been tweeting for approximately a year, but don't get
any help, answers or comments whatsoever.
Almost the same with my facebook page and group I created (https://www.facebook.com/groups/forchanges)
apart from 3 persons that are experiencing similar problems with their councils
- one is even taking his council to court.
Other problems and or topics one can get an abundance of help from
Twitter and Facebook. It seems the only
option I have left is to take the council to court, where I've made some
enquiries about and understand it could cost me around £60 p/h to hire a
lawyer. Where can I afford that sort of
money on my pension? When the council
will easily spend/pay that and much more to their 'top' lawyers to defend them,
instead of spending to solve my problem they created. My only option/hope left was relying on the
LGO to support me (with all the evidence I submitted to them), but they did the
opposite - agreed and supported the council without any evidence from then to support
their lies. They are all corrupt!
My situation should have never been caused if the council
had considered my basic human rights to live in my own home. And the fact the council knows that the
buildings are prefabricated, (therefore not sound and not suitable for HMO/fire
doors) and the council have a program in progress at present where they have to
renovate these same style properties (that are still council's) to bring them
up to the proper environmental standards.
I have pointed this out (with evidence) to the council, the MP and the
LGO, but as usual, neither took any notice.
Why don't all parties concerned have these HMO living next
door to them, and see how they would like it!?
But no, they probably all have detached houses anyway! I'm so angry with this 'biased' elite
system!!! They can cause you harm,
heartache, pain, etc...and get away with it, and there's nothing you can do
about it!
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