Sunday, 30 April 2017



I'm finding out more and more about these corrupt organisations - Councils & the Local Government Ombudsman! No wonder the councils itself, councillors and MPs are sending people like me and others to them that the council shit on!!!

For all of you that think I was just moaning and complaining for nothing... Well, you better, and MUST read this> . It's all there...the proof is in the pudding and in your interest too.

After reading the article, I'm hoping more people will support and sign petitions and join my facebook group.

NO, NO, NO, I'm not going to give up now!
Replying to @countfoxify @lgombadsmen
Yes, well done! Harlow Council have proven to have lied & affected my health. We need to protect others from council abuse. Pls count me in!

Before referring anything to the LGO please remember that it is a corrupt service. They do not investigate and they are dishonest.

Replying to  
.I asked the LGO once before for help,they ignored me,after yr fighting a judge agreed with me if they helped it need not have went to court

Saturday, 29 April 2017

Letter to the Newspapers:

Dear Sir/Madam

What is the possibility of publishing some or all, of my letter?

I'm a 70-year-old male (pensioner) living by myself and been fighting with neighbour HMO property owner/Stevenage Borough Council & the Local Government Ombudsman for 16 months for justice and my basic human rights.

It is regarding (5) heavy hydraulic-spring fire doors and (1) extra main entrance/door fitted in a prefabricated, substandard 3 bedroom house I believe not suitable for HMO.  2 of these doors – (1 fire door and the extra main entrance/door) fitted only 1 meter close to the very thin party wall that divide us. The council officer did a biased, covered up investigation of the fire doors noise. Then I escalated my complaint to their stages 1, 2 & 3 investigations, where officer manager covered up and supported the officer.

At the early stage of the investigation, I believed the officer was also being spiteful towards me, because I complained about her for not seeming to take my complaint seriously, because of the biased way she was handling the investigation.  Therefore, I requested a different officer to carry out the investigation because I did not trust the appointed officer to come to the correct decision - because of her words...attitude...and lack of importance of dealing with my complaint; but my request was refused. It has now proven my fears was right because the officer did exactly as I thought - covered up all aspects of the noise investigation.   In addition, I went on the local Radio Station to air my problem and frustration regarding the HMO and the council's attitude to the investigation.  In addition, because of a statement made in a letter from the Council, I believe they wilfully refused to tackle noise.  Moreover, my own knowledge, and understanding from another HMO source…the council will cover up any noise and would not do anything because they benefit from HMOs, because HMOs are the new form council tenants - hence the cover up.

The Council/officer, informed me that; 1st recording to quiet and not admissible; 2nd recording, recorder broke down (where noise recording would have been recorded louder), noise not statutory, noise not loud; and do not see why Council/HMO should spend money to fix noise because of officer professionalism, expertise and hearing, noises not statutory nor loud.  In addition, I believe my 6 weeks diary recordings were ignored.  I am amazed that this is a “so-called” expert officer that did not know how I can hear fire doors noise on the first-floor hallway and bedrooms of my house coming from the ground floor in HMO neighbour’s property!” Moreover, there are other aspects of officer’s professionalism and expertise that is questionable; because of other comments, she made to me.  In addition, there were no recording to substantiate officer/council’s claim that noise is not statutory nor loud.  I also learnt that council recording equipment was not suitable to record fire doors noise (that sounds like Sonic Booms).  In addition, according to the officer’s colleague (the recording engineer), that they have never in history recorded fire doors noise before and that I was the first.   Therefore, how is it that this officer is so expert and professional in the sort of ‘Fire Doors’ noise I am experiencing?

Officer assured me that she will ask the property owner to adjust closures on all fire doors and will return in a week to see if property owner complied.  But, a letter from the council stated that she asked property owner to adjust ‘only some’ of them, and had returned to the property to check owner had complied and noise have been stopped.  Officer claimed, noise been “significantly” reduced; but officer did not return to my own property to substantiate this.

Subsequently, I escalated my complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman regarding the council failure and negligence of not dealing honestly with the noise.   However, I learned that the LGO could not be an independent organisation, as claimed...  They seemed to act as the council's Lawyer in the way in which they agreed and defend them - 100% throughout their ‘biased’ investigation.

I am shocked and very disappointed with all 3 outcomes after 16 months of agony, stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, mild stroke and hospitalised, all because the council forced this HMO situation upon me. It is as though they have put a loaded gun to my head!

The whole system is stacked against me and people like me in similar situations, there is no justice for us, and nothing we can do about it! The councils and the LGO can do as they please and get away with it because they know we are helpless against them!

I understand the only option left for me now is to challenge their decision through the judicial review in the High Court. High Court on my pension? Moreover, why should I have to bear the expense to take court proceedings when it is the council/HMO at fault and guilty in all of this - if only they will admit it!  Why should they force this situation upon me and get away with it? Of course, they are the council - a law onto itself that is not easy to challenge, even when they covered up and lie!

The LGO investigator final decision wasn't any different from their draft spite of all my evidence I submitted in support of my complaint; they were ignored because investigator already made her mind up with her draft decision to defend and support the council. Moreover, the LGO investigator treated me with contempt too - by not contacting me for evidence to support my complaint before she started the investigation against the council. In addition, when the investigation had finished, the LGO officer did not contact/inform me.

I informed the council and the LGO regarding the non-suitability of the property for HMO purpose (which the council already knew about) but neither the council nor LGO did not accept it in support of my complaint. The council is at present renovating these same (prefabricated substandard) styles of houses (that are still council own) to meet the proper environmental standard.

I have a copy of a letter from my GP regarding my health and the effect the noise is having on me, which I delivered to the council's chief executive, but it was ignored.  In addition, my GP also referred me to the wellbeing service, and as a result, I have been referred for counselling.

Before the HMO moved in, I had my property on the market for sale because I wanted to downsize.  However, when the HMO moved in, I had to take it off the market because of the extent and severity of noise.  Now all the investigation have failed me, I have no alternative left now than to put it back on the market hoping I can sell it.  However, I am struggling to sell, because, there are questions being asked by buyers regarding the legitimacy of a substandard letter from the council to support their claim of noise being reduced.  Therefore, because the council/LGO did not do anything positively to stop noises, it looks as though I will be unable to sell my property.

Yours faithfully,

Norbert Glasgow

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

THE VIDEO (without the 5 heavy fire doors, and extra main entrance/door noise) WILL GIVE YOU AN IDEA OF WHAT MY ISSUE/COMPLAINT IS ABOUT.  It's HELL for me, and it can happen to you too!!!  IN ADDITION, I'M UNABLE TO SELL MY HOUSE BECAUSE OF THE NOISE.

I live in Stevenage, next door to one of these HMO converted houses. The landlord fitted 5 hydraulic-sprang fire doors to each of 3 bedrooms, 2 in the living room (1 leading into it and the other at the other end leading into an extra bedroom where the dining room used to be, and an extra main entry door where the dining room window used to be. Both the fire door and the (extra) main entry door is 1 meter from the party wall that separates us. Now, because these properties we are living in were not constructed strong enough to withstand the heavy pounding of those fire doors, the hammering/booming/banging noise that's coming through the party wall is horrendous and so intensive that they sometimes vibrate the party wall and my bedroom wall (too) that extends from it, makes me jump at times, so making my life a misery! Can you imagine...4 young male tenants let loose with all those doors...??? They, the landlord and the government don't care and who they hurt! And it seemed the government didn't consider the neighbours when they created this HMO scheme! These kinds of doors shouldn't be allowed, especially in a house that's not built for that. The government HMO scheme should stipulate and force the landlord to soundproof their properties if they must use the sort of fire doors!!!

I understand because of the HMO scheme in, parking spaces are hard to find in some streets because lots of the HMO tenants own vehicles.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Check this out... At the beginning of my complaint back in early 2016, I emailed the Labour leader of the Stevenage Borough Council (twice) for help with the situation I'm facing...and also posted on her facebook page, but I got no response from her. So, about 2 weeks ago one of her campaigners knocked on my door wanting me to vote for her in the local election. I soon gave him a piece of my mind... Then she contacted me by letter, obviously, because her campaigner passed my message on to her. And all she did in a letter, is apologised and blah-blah-blah... as they 'all' do... I suppose the think that apologising is the easiest way to solve complaints or make one feel better. But it doesn't cut it! What good is an apology, and that god-forsaking-word "SORRY" because we all know they don't mean it. You see; they want you to vote for them but once they get into power they forget about you.

Sunday, 2 April 2017


The HMO property owner fire doors noise investigation by the Stevenage Borough Council was definitely 100% covered up by their officer/s and her line manager/s. In addition, the Local Government Ombudsman agreed with obsolete everything the council stated in its report - even the lies! Even evidence I submitted to support my complaint; they just disregarded them, as if I did not matter. This shows the LGO is not the independent organisation as claimed, but supports the council/s 100% - whether right or wrong!

Folks, again, I am not talking about ordinary domestic indoor doors; I am talking about (5) heavy hydraulic spring fire doors (the kind you will find in large offices, hospitals and industrial buildings); and (1) extra "specially constructed" main entry doorway door. Most folks cannot even cope with just the boom/banging from (1) of these fire doors, much less “6” of the ruddy things in a 3-bedroom substandard domestic ex-council house! The noises from HMO neighbour fire doors are so severe and loud, they can be heard in all of the rooms in my house (even with all the doors closed) and the force of the closing of these fire doors, etc. also vibrates the party wall that causes my bedroom door to rattle in its frame. Then the council claimed noise not statutory nor loud! However, I have learned, it is the usual rhetoric they use to get out of situations so not to deal with them; therefore leaving one to suffer, instead.

As a professional officer and organisation, as claimed, why use a defected recording equipment (that they claimed had broken down when recording the noise). The equipment should have been maintained and in perfect working order to carry out the task of collecting sensitive evidence! In addition, why they did not fix recorder and reinstall it to carry out the recording? No, they just left it at that…! This shows the hallmark of a 100% cover up! How can a "supposedly" responsible organisation that deals with health relations operate in that way? It all boils down to them making money and saving money (just like any other business); therefore, one's wellbeing and health do not matter to them, the fact they will find every opportunity to cover up serious problems that can harm one's health (or even death) and stop you from getting out of the situation they have forced upon you!

Folks, should you find yourselves in a similar situation as mine, you would never win with the councils and the LGO, as they are a law unto themselves and we cannot challenge them unless we have bags of money to take them to the High Court. Even then, there is no guarantee one will win there either, because of the way the system is stacked against us. Moreover, there is no one out there that is willing to help when it has to do with the Government and the Councils. You on your own - trust me! Even the MP/s and councillor/s will not help, or they just not interested. In addition, if one cannot sell one’s property (as seem to be happening to me at present) because of the noise/to get away from it.  And subsequently, if one cannot cope with the frustration, anxiety, stress, high blood pressure, stroke, etc…with the noise that the council already caused; and the fact that, I’m already suffering from a heart problem, and can’t sell my house because of noise; then the only alternative left I feel is suicide.  Because there is no way, I can continue to live here with the extent of this noise.  But, will government/council care? No, because we are just "numbers" to them, and not money!

Please sign my petitions here>  and/or here>