Tuesday, 11 April 2017


THE VIDEO (without the 5 heavy fire doors, and extra main entrance/door noise) WILL GIVE YOU AN IDEA OF WHAT MY ISSUE/COMPLAINT IS ABOUT.  It's HELL for me, and it can happen to you too!!!  IN ADDITION, I'M UNABLE TO SELL MY HOUSE BECAUSE OF THE NOISE.

I live in Stevenage, next door to one of these HMO converted houses. The landlord fitted 5 hydraulic-sprang fire doors to each of 3 bedrooms, 2 in the living room (1 leading into it and the other at the other end leading into an extra bedroom where the dining room used to be, and an extra main entry door where the dining room window used to be. Both the fire door and the (extra) main entry door is 1 meter from the party wall that separates us. Now, because these properties we are living in were not constructed strong enough to withstand the heavy pounding of those fire doors, the hammering/booming/banging noise that's coming through the party wall is horrendous and so intensive that they sometimes vibrate the party wall and my bedroom wall (too) that extends from it, makes me jump at times, so making my life a misery! Can you imagine...4 young male tenants let loose with all those doors...??? They, the landlord and the government don't care and who they hurt! And it seemed the government didn't consider the neighbours when they created this HMO scheme! These kinds of doors shouldn't be allowed, especially in a house that's not built for that. The government HMO scheme should stipulate and force the landlord to soundproof their properties if they must use the sort of fire doors!!!

I understand because of the HMO scheme in, parking spaces are hard to find in some streets because lots of the HMO tenants own vehicles.

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